In this article, the intertextual elements of biblical, mythical origin are revealed, there are affinities with literary-artistic texts, etc. A connection with the Holy Book (the Book of the Prophet Iona) is observed at the level of the title Iona; Iona is the symbol of the lonely individual (Albert Camus, Jean Paul Sartre, Eugen Ionescu, etc.), but he is also the tragic Odysseus, who tries to return to his homeland (Ithaca – the unattainable ideal), he is a Don Quixote (the appearance of the windmill, Table III). Jonah is also an Ulisse ("I leave again"), a tragic figure trying to return to the (ideally unattainable) island of Ithaca. The meanings of the play branch out and various interpretations of the work are possible. The author in a confession about the play talks about the plurality of ways to discern the symbols and about the impossibility of absolute elucidation.