The educational counseling of the family occupies a special place, having recently appeared in the fields intended for certain professions, being guided towards certain human services, which is why the meaning of the term is currently undergoing changes. The sessions include actions carried out in groups or individually and focus on personal development, support in critical moments, psychotherapeutic help as well as identifying ways to solve the problems that have arisen. Counseling gives the person the chance to identify certain ways of efficient use of all resources that can be shaped into expressions of desired goals that can be reached through various approaches, depending on the identified needs. Counseling in the educational field involves a special relationship, created between the teacher and the young person in need, the goal pursued is to support him, being a working tool that is made with the hand, soul and experience of the teaching staff, supplemented by tools necessary in the educational approach . Within the school, psycho-pedagogical counseling must represent the criteria of the three stages, namely: the first stage being the diagnostic-statistical one, followed by the formative-prophylactic one and ending with the therapeutic-recuperative stage as claimed by Mr. Golu, P. (1993) , which include: the conceptual framework, the objective or objectives of counseling as the case may be, the suite of all behavioral disorders, as well as the definition criteria, but also the causes of behavioral breakdowns, intervention strategies, phases of disruptive and delinquent behavior, as well as methods of prevention and intervention.