The work has a theoretical-practical specificity, through which the analysis and synthesis of the literature in the field of speech therapy is carried out, regarding the evolution and development of language in children, reflections on language disorders, and finally we studied dysarthria, as an exponent of language disorders found in preschool age. The clinical and speech therapy symptoms encountered in dysarthria are described, the psychological and clinical characteristics of children with dysarthria are specified. Also presented is the mini-psycho-speech investigation of two categories of preschoolers, with dysarthria and typical development of 5-6 years; the purpose, the hypothesis, the research methods and the results of the assessed children. The purpose of the investigation consists in: evaluating the language disorder in preschool children 5-6 years old, detecting children with dysarthria disorder, evaluating the level of development of thinking and memory, compared to preschoolers with typical development. The screening method was applied to identify children with dysarthria and methods to evaluate memory and thinking. The scores of preschoolers with dysarthria show the insufficiency of the development of language, memory and thinking, compared to the development of these aspects in typical preschoolers.