The year 2023 marks the 145th anniversary of the integration of Dobrogea into the modern Romanian state. Thus we will report a series of problems related to the protection of the archaeological heritage in Dobrogea. Once the Romanian administration was installed in the Dobrogean land, after the was of independence in 1878, the new region aronsed a wave of interests in the country’s academ environment. The vast wealth of ancient and medieval vestiges have generated special concerns for the conservation and museification of these vestiges. With the establishment of the Romanian administration in Dobrudja, the new region has raised a great interest in the academic environment in the country, the richness of the ancient and medieval remains, creating the first preoccupations for preservation and ehibiting of these testimonies. The prezent study aims to achieve, for the first time in Romanian hystoriography, a global approach to the evolution of the Dobrudja museums-with special regard to Constanța Country-at the end of the 19th century and early 20 th century. In the struggle between the pre-eminence of a National Museum and the province’s right to build museums, the establishment of the municipal museums ofKustenge and Mangalia (Spring of 1879) was a pioneering action within a general, country-widw, Based on the archive documents, some of them original, as well as the testimonies of the period (newspapers, scraps, memoirs or other types of writings) the present research reconstructs the evolution of Dobrogea museums in the first fifty years of Romanian administration, the struggle of the local autorities to create local and regional meseums and reveals the importance of these institutions in the development and coagulation of an active cultural life in the province between the Danube and the Black Sea.