The article exemplifies a modular approach to the process of developing research/investigative competence in the Geography Discipline for high school students. Conceived as an effective learning model, flexible as a process and methodology in training theory, it represents the form of organization and operation of the structure of the 2022-2023 school year in Romanian education. Novelty element for formal and non-formal education through Geography, with characteristics derived from holistic and dynamic theories of learning, the modules expressed as learning units are defined by the content unit not in terms of curricular thematic aspect, but in terms of didactic strategies, alternation, coexistence and cyclicality of instructional phases and the roles of learners and educators. The premise of the enterprise of an approach to design in the process of developing the investigative competence in theschool environment within the Geography lessons consisted in the diagnosis of the formative and evaluative framework of integrated learning imposed by the normativity of educational policy documents on the one hand and the specificity of the modular methodology on the other side. The opportunities and challenges of streamlining the research competence development process are highlighted through a proposal for a planning project in the key modular structure, opportunely to be capitalized as a pedagogical intervention tool at the level of all schooling cycles depending on the targeted objectives.