Ensuring quality in education, including general education, is one of the priority dimensions of the „MOLDOVA 2030” National Development Strategy. In accordance with the educational policies, the Local Body for Specialization in the Field of Education (OLSDÎ) has the major role of quality assurance at the local level, the OLSDÎ specialists being the ones who should monitor quality assurance, supervise the implementation of new concepts. It is not about power, influence or importance, but about impact and support, about feedback provided as an effective development intervention, as a way of giving help, with the effect of quality assurance. We are not talking about specialists in higher education either, but about professional colleagues in continuous evolution and development, capable of providing quality feedback. Accordingly, the self-training and continuous training of OLSDÎ specialists is indispensable, because those who want to support and advise, including with the aim of ensuring quality in education at the local level, must demonstrate that they themselves have the necessary skills. A mechanism for promotion and career advancement of specialists from local specialized bodies in the field of education would eliminate moments of insecurity and provide conditions necessary to ensure the ability of OLSDÎ to meet quality requirements.