Climate researches have always been a concern for scientists. The history of climate research on the territory of the Republic of Moldova knows many personalities that have contributed to the knowledge of the climate aspect of the country and the diversity of climate research topics. Of great contribution and importance in the climatological researches in the country were the climatological studies carried out by the doctor in geography – Vasile Proca. Through his personality he contributed to the development of climatology in the Republic of Moldova, being the initiator of the creation of the Climatology Laboratory of the AȘM (The Academy of Sciences of Moldova), Geography Sector. Along with other researchers, he has participated in the development of a set of climate-friendly materials, has developed climate maps, has been scientific editor of 10 editions of collections like: "Problems of the Geography of Moldova", he has also organized a series of regional and international scientific conferences, field expeditions, television shows as "Native Lands".