When each person encounters the notion of leader, they have their own glossary to define this notion, but each time they are usually focused on their own experience gained during life, school, university, gang and work. Leaders are in any team or group, but we see that these assumptions about who would be a leader and what leadership is are wrong. The leader is not exactly if he has a leadership position, if he has a long career, if he has extraordinary achievements, if he is charismatic, if he has power, if he is influential or if he is appointed manager.
Manager is not synonymous with leader, the person can have any of these qualities, but that does not automatically mean that he is a leader. Institutional leaders are responsible for defining the company. They create the vision, mission and values of the company they identify with in the market. They develop business and market strategy, set work priorities and strategic business tools. They set major goals for the rest of the company's leadership. They are driving change. Team leaders are responsible for achieving its results. Individual leaders are responsible for carrying out their work in a team spirit.